WHO has classified fine dust as a class 1 carcinogen. Dust and smog endangers our health even indoors. Most people spend 90 % of their time indoors where they should breathe clean air.
The major function of the VAYUGUARD'S nanofiber filter, which is intended for installation in low static air conditioning systems, is to provide a barrier against pollen, dust, and air pollution. While being extremely permeable for air and gases, it is also capable of preventing the spread of mildew and bacterial spores.
Particles are mechanically captured. There are no chemical components in the membrane.
It can filter more than 85% of particles with a size of 2.5 microns or less at an air flow of 32 l/m, according to its PM 2.5 Test Report.
A nanofiber layer trapped inside the membrane gives it the membrane’s special filtering capacity. Strictly speaking, the filter medium is a three-layer laminate made up of a layer of nanofibers and a layer of permeable mesh. Material lamination ensures the compactness.
As a result, the filter is appropriate for use in homes where there is a history of allergies, asthma, or cardiovascular or pulmonary disease, as well as in homes where there is a history of pulmonary or cardiovascular disease.
Air Flow Resistance is 0.6mm H2O @ 5.33 cm/s, 32 l/min as per test method ASTM D 2986.